Avivi – A Flexible Approach to Every Customer
11 November 2020
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Each IT company chooses its own optimal work format when offering to a potential customer. During our long presence in the market, Avivi has developed expertise in many formats of work, and is now ready to provide our customers with the flexible terms while having one goal in mind — to make our cooperation the most effective and profitable for both parties. This has brought a positive outcome: at the time of writing, we provide services in 46 countries around the world.
About Markets and Rates
Avivi has legal authority to work practically all over the world. In this regard, we have established the appropriate entities. For ourselves, we distinguish 4 major markets: the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, Ukraine, the “West” —all countries of the world where payment is made in US dollars, and a separate Euro-zone for customers who wish to use the common European currency. Each market has its own rates of employee hourly wages; the actual figures can always be checked with the company managers at hello@avivi.pro. Rates, in turn, are divided into two types: "customer" — for the end customer and "partner" — for other IT companies that work with us under certain terms.
Our customer rates always include project management, which will be carried out by a dedicated Avivi employee to provide the customer with utmost convenience. We do not set any separate fees for project management, as is often the case with other companies on the market, and we do not charge a fee for communication between the manager and the customer.
A partner rate already implies a discount compared to the usual one. Its amount for a partner company varies depending on the completeness and quality of the technical description of projects that we receive for work under agreement. And if our developers receive a prepared technical task, as they say, “ready for execution”, then of course we will take this into account during the assessment and significantly reduce the rate. On average, with good preparation, the check amount is reduced by 10% - 25%.
In any case, each individual project, both with the end customer and with the partner, has its own story with negotiations, estimates, terms, discounts, and of course, bonuses, which we will discuss when you start a dialogue with our company.
Interaction Types and Payment
Avivi company provides services for the three of the most common, convenient, and understandable types of interaction. You have the ability to choose the most suitable one. There is a real difference between them, and depending on the scope of tasks and financial feasibility, we will help you navigate. Let's take a look at each in detail.
Fixed Price
Payment for services at a fixed-cost seems to be the most readily understandable, but it has its own features. With this type of interaction, our employees study the tasks, provide the customer with estimated solution and the amount, and if the customer agrees, an invoice for payment is issued. However, you should understand that in this case we take all possible risks, and this “burdens” your check. Fixed-price is a good option for small and urgent tasks where cost savings are not critical. But if you are planning a large, long-term project, you should consider other options.
Time and Material
In this type of interaction, the customer pays only for the tasks completed. The entire project, in this case, is divided into separate blocks, the assessment of which is presented in the form of a “fork” —- “from and to”. In such a situation, no one can know for sure how much the project as a whole will cost, however, payment after delivery does not include the risk margin.
It is important to understand that according to the ‘Time and Material’ method, all work is carried out in accordance with a strict reporting format. The logic here is simple: the developers completed the task, reported on it, received approval, and only then received payment. The customer also receives progress reports on the entire project at regular intervals, which allows them to understand the overall progress. This is no less important for the company: our common position is the willingness to provide a certain discount based on clear planning. The larger the chunks of tasks submitted for execution, the easier it is for us to schedule completion dates and allocate a team. This type of interaction is ideal for long-term cooperation.
Avivi company is able to provide full-time developers of various levels and specializations, subject to prior arrangements. Full-time is indeed an effective type of interaction, but here the customer should consider the following factors:
Full-time work is needed on projects with a constant task flow or the need to quickly respond to changes;
Avivi company does not undertake project management of the hired employee’s tasks. On such a project, there is always a dedicated account manager who monitors the programmer's work schedule, hourly and financial reporting, as well as monitors the quality of work and employee motivation along with the Technical Director. However, all issues with regard to loading employees with useful work are the concern of the employer;
We guarantee the presence of an employee on the project during the entire allotted time in return for the guarantee of full payment for these hours.
Full-time is, in essence, a popular form of outstaffing in the IT field, when you get a professional into your team for a certain time, but you can easily end the relationship after they have fulfilled their projects. Using the method of mathematical calculations, you can make sure that in some cases, hiring a full-time developer is economically beneficial and the overall rate will be much lower as compared with the two previous methods.
Employee Package Time
As you can see, different methods of interaction and payment are suitable for different projects. Therefore, I would like to talk separately about package hours — a mutually beneficial form of cooperation. Based on experience, our employees understand the exact way to best implement a particular task and we advise our customers on the best options.
Package time means buying guaranteed hours from Avivi to perform completely different tasks. The package implies 100% payment in advance, however, with a pleasant discount already built-in. And at certain times we offer promotional or seasonal packages at very attractive prices.
In the case of a package offer, all the customer's tasks immediately fall into the “backlog”, from where, as the project progresses, they are withdrawn for execution according to the kanban methodology. The customer can monitor the process, and also receive detailed progress reports with regard to the work completed and the remaining hours on the virtual account.
Packages are not only financially profitable and efficient in solving tasks, but in a sense, are excellent insurance. Indeed, in the event of a critical situation, you already have reserved your time, which can be guaranteed to be redirected to solving the problem.
Reaction Levels
There are also important points in the work process related to the speed of response to customers’ requests. Of course, this shall be discussed in advance, and in case when we provide technical support, shall be enshrined in the SLA (Service Provision Agreement), but please bear in mind that there are 2 types of customer problems — ordinary and critical — and 3 types of reactions to them from employees, namely critical, important, and ordinary. Each reaction provides a guaranteed time frame in which we will respond to the request and undertake to solve the problem. You can learn more about this here.
Let’s Work
This was a brief summary of the main methods of work and payment that our company adheres to. As you can see, we are able to create the most favorable and beneficial conditions for you to be satisfied with our cooperation. We will be happy to discuss the points of interest, because each situation is unique and requires an individual approach.
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