Integration with Twilio is currently one of the most reliable prerequisites for the prosperity of your business using both platforms. Many try to do it on their own, but achieving success in this matter as of the beginning of 2025 is absolutely impossible without the help of experienced developers from Bitrix24. In this article, we will tell you why.

Integration with Twilio is a fairly frequent request for Avivi and arises mainly when a business needs in-depth communication with customers. We were creating integrations and customizing work long before this process became simple and accessible to ordinary Bitrix24 users. However, we still often hear the question why Twilio is needed, so now we will tell you everything in detail. And also — we will tell you about a wonderful alternative to this service, which is gaining popularity in the world.

Customization of Bitrix24 allows you to change and supplement the product exactly as your company needs. In this article, we will not tell about some complex solution or fundamental idea. However, the case of customization of the production process of a sewing company shows how effectively a painful issue can be solved thanks to automation. Experienced Avivi developers perform such tasks with high quality and enthusiasm, add their own considerations to the customer's ideas, which makes the final result much better.

Telegram bots are gaining more and more popularity all over the world, so Bitrix24 developers took care of the possibility of their integration with CRM. Now this operation can be done by almost every owner of Bitrix24 even without special knowledge and special skills. However, where to get a reliable assistant in Telegram is a different and more complicated matter. That's why it's good that Avivi not only integrates, but also creates bots of any level of complexity for your business.

Saving customer addresses in the CRM entities is an extremely necessary contact information, without which a business is impossible. In general, Bitrix24 makes it possible to clearly indicate the address of a person or institution, and even to link the coordinates to an electronic map. But Avivi's clients needed special features to determine the address and our team created an effective solution using custom fields.

The Kanban method is widely used in Bitrix24 to visualize the progress of various tasks in your company. In CRM, this appearance is set by default for Leads and Deals, in Tasks it is available at the user's request. Let's find out what it is, how it works and how it helps in promoting your business.

Bitrix24 helps sell and automates many processes in the sales funnel. And if you have several funnels at once, the functionality of the "Sales Tunnels" tool will be useful. Without the involvement of specialists, you can quickly adjust the work in each of the funnels, as well as adjust the conditions for the transition of the Deals between them for the convenient and fast work of managers.

"Smart Process Automation" is a new block of work with CRM features, that appeared in "Bitrix24. Berlin" release. At first glance, this is something complex and incomprehensible, but we tried to tell as accurately as possible about the purpose of this functionality creation, and what you can possibly do with it. And, believe us, you can do a lot of things.
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