Farming game resources via Telegram status — a creative solution by Avivi for WebApp
24 January 2025
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In recent years, Telegram has pleased users with interesting updates. 2024 was almost a breakthrough in this regard, since there were really a lot of such new features. Particular progress was made in the direction of WebApp — the technology for creating full-fledged mini-applications integrated into the application interface, which gave developers practically unlimited opportunities for implementing various projects. For example, when preparing this article, the authors played the classic Doom for several hours precisely through the mini-app in full-screen mode!
A year ago, no one even thought about this. There have also been many updates in the development of Telegram's blockchain infrastructure and integration with TON, but for most users this topic still remains of little interest.
What's new in WebApp ?
As already mentioned, the most useful update that everyone can easily see with their own eyes is full-screen mode. If you remember, the very first applications opened within the Telegram interface. This was a new and bold solution, but, let's be honest, extremely inconvenient. Subsequent versions involved opening a parallel window, where the application interface was displayed. This was already much better, but actually useful for computer users. On mobile devices, this window looked almost as bad as the previous solution.
The latest update brings true full-screen mode to Telegram for all devices. In addition, mini-apps can use both portrait and landscape orientation.
Next up is mobile motion tracking. The platform now interacts with signals from your gadget's gyroscope, which opens up a wide range of possibilities for developers. Together with the previous update, this is primarily useful for creating new games or porting existing ones.
mini-apps icons on your device's desktop. So you no longer need to go to Telegram and look for the desired bot in the list of chats. Click on the icon and immediately enter the application window.
Finally, it's worth mentioning the update for emoji statuses. This is currently only available to Premium users, but it's only a matter of time before it's rolled out to all users. Previously, you could display animated emoticons from a list of available ones, but the latest update has revolutionized things. Now, widgets can use APIs from other services to display the information you need in your status. For example, this:
The music that the user is listening to at a specific moment;
The title of the e-book at the time of reading;
Watching videos;
Game via mini-app, etc.
In addition, in 2024, the ability to obtain geolocation via mini-applications , share media files , create documents, customize the loading screen, and many other small options appeared. However, Avivi developers have already paid attention to one of the above and implemented tasks for a crypto game based on it.
Farming using status
So we have the opportunity to broadcast the status to other users at the moment of using a certain mini-application. This is well known to users of Discord and some other applications, but new to Telegram. For a long time, the Avivi team has been actively involved in the development of a large crypto-game project, the name of which still remains an intrigue. We can say that the issue of game resources is quite important there, because they can always be converted into cryptocurrency or withdrawn as fiat money. Therefore, both the player's success and the volume of your wallet in real life depend on the amount of resources.
The status update opened up previously unavailable opportunities for our developers. Together with the marketing department, we completed the task of expanding the ways to farm in-game currency through status.
The tool works like this:
The user enters the game, which changes their status accordingly;
Our mini-app tracks the status display time via API and charges the user a game currency bonus;
The longer the user plays, the more bonus they receive;
Even outside of the game, a manually set status will farm game resources, although in smaller amounts than during active game actions.
During alpha testing, Avivi 's solution showed good results for focus group participants. The passive income received was useful for the development of 78% of players who were in the game for less than 2 hours per day. It also stimulated interest in the upcoming game and increased the number of interested subscribers by 53%.
So in conclusion, it should be noted that the status in Telegram is not just information for entertainment, but can also perform quite real tasks. Thanks to the API and the skill of developers, this opportunity can be turned into an effective tool for promoting your mini-applications and marketing. If you are interested in such developments, the Avivi team is always ready to help!
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