Magento – best eCommerce technology
23 March 2022
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In a previous article on our blog, we mentioned the development of CRM and eCommerce directions. Avivi reacts on the global demand in a timely manner, today we will tell you about our achievements and joined success of one of the most popular technologies we have been working with for several years — Magento.
Not familiar with Magento yet? That is a shame!
To begin, Magento is an eCommerce platform that is widely used to create online shops. In the hands of an experienced developer any electronic commercial project can be developed using this framework, including customized CRM. Officially, work on this process has started in 2007, and by the 31st of August in the same year, the world saw the first beta-version. At the very same time a mobile version was launched. This cross-platform allows you to easily manage an internet shop via any mobile device.
Significant Magento valuables
Magento is a platform with an open initial cost, thus making it one of the most popular content management systems – CMS. The product is written in PHP, suitable for both initial level web-site development and large enterprises portals. You will see a Magento solution in every top internet shop list bringing unbelievable profits.
At the same time, Magento is pretty easy in its setup. Internet shop owners always have the possibility to have full control their sites: from design to quick settings or payment method changes, delivery, site content; it's very easy to upload a number of goods or services. The platform is a tough competitor against former and more expensive solutions, not Oracle ATG, Hybris or IRM WebCommerce types.
If we only consider an internet shop, from the very start you will be able to:
Use various currencies;
Set up multilingualism;
Configure payment and delivery methods;
Use pre designed packages;
Set up tax rates;
Customization of text and mailing distribution, etc.
But this is all about the basic capabilities. True activity freedom comes with individual development.
The major advantages of the system
Magento is famous for its vast functionality and settings flexibility. The platform solicited the support of a wide range of partners and active developers worldwide. Magento Marketplace contains a number of additional modules for convenient use and filling a common internet shop.
One of the most popular specifics among users is the possibility of using tags for each item, which may help users to find an item or service they are interested in quickly. The admin panel allows the managing of the internet shop from various domains and different languages. It's already equipped with the choice of themes and samples, making a project quick start possible and a flexible setting for site layout.
There are handy tools for costs management in Magento. Discount, coupons, sales wholesales discounts and pricing tiers system are set up. You can also utilize the ready-made integrations services of electronic commerce.
Magento users
Nothing would better describe Magento than companies and brands that choose this platform for their activities. Among the world leaders are Nike, Adidas, Samsung, Coca-Cola, Tiffany&Co. At the same time, the eCommerce platform will benefit for both large and mid-range businesses.
Quality changes are for the best
If you are looking for a convenient eCommerce platform for your business or you are thinking about using another CMS, let's see what advantages there are for you in Magento. There is no need to doubt by choosing Magento, it covers 30% of the world eCommerce market. Chose the very best. Your business deserves it!
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