Avivi company has extensive experience in developing online stores of any complexity. Since 2020, we have been actively working with the Magento 2 platform and have made good progress in this direction. In this article, a professional developer of online stores shares his experience in solving problems that allow payments to be made on the site using Internet-Acquiring.

Bitrix24 is chosen for its incredibly wide range of functionality and ease of use. But there is not always what you need here. Local applications can correct the situation - additional software that expands the capabilities of cloud and on-premises Bitrix24 and fully meets the needs of your business. This article from a professional Bitrix24 developer, who has extensive experience in creating and configuring various applications, talks about the possibilities of additional functionality and the specifics of using it in your system.

Telegram bots are gaining more and more popularity among various online businesses. Avivi already wrote about the creation of Telegram bots before, but quite a lot of time has passed since then and new development opportunities have been added. During this time, our developers created many different bots for Telegram and Discord and were able to see for themselves the positive dynamics of business growth after implementing our solutions. In this article, one of the experienced bot developers from our team shares his experience and highlights the main advantages of bots.

The modern frontend makes extensive use of React capabilities to create flexible and fast products. This programming language is not only popular and promising, but also irreplaceable in some specific cases. In this article, we will talk about a difficult task at the MVP stage of a unique service for creating publications in various social networks BePosted, which was worked on by an experienced developer of Avivi.

Python steadily occupies the position of one of the leaders among modern programming languages both among developers and among customers of IT products. However, among the numerous frameworks of this programming language, if not an open struggle, then, rather, a healthy competition. Unfortunately, quite often our clients or young specialists do not fully understand the meaning of different frameworks, so today we will talk about a fairly common question: "Which framework is better?"

Chats in Bitrix24 are one of the favorite sections of the portal for all employees, because this is where lively business communication and personal and informal conversations take place. One of the disadvantages of the Bitrix24 chat is that there can be an extremely large number of dialogues, but there are no tools to manage them. Avivi was approached by clients with the task of developing a functionality for grouping chats. This idea arose from customers while using Telegram, where such opportunities already exist.

Average users of Bitrix24 do not delve into the specifics of the system's operation: in their opinion, if it works slowly, it means that you need to add more power to the server or delete something. In fact, solving the problem can be much simpler and less painful when you have to consciously give up part of the stored data. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the Bitrix24 customization case, where, thanks to the developers' experience, Avivi managed to achieve several goals at once, which completely solved our client's problems.

Artificial intelligence is on the rise and finds application in various sectors of the economy and spheres of life. In 2023, Bitrix24 received another package of updates, which included an almost complete integration with artificial intelligence from the IT giant Microsoft, which immediately became a top topic for study and discussion among product users. We at Avivi have been following the development of the interaction between Bitrix24 and CoPilot from the very beginning and now we have something to say.

Discord has long ceased to be a tool only for gamers. Today, many commercial projects are implemented here, which bring good benefits to their owners. An important role is played by the ability to automate the work of Discord, thanks to which you can create individual scenarios of interaction with the audience. In this article, we will talk about such a solution — a bot for selling an information product and managing server participants.

A phone number today is one of the key types of personal data that can become a subject of speculation among interested parties. In Bitrix24 CRM entities, this is open information available to all users of the system. Very often, Avivi specialists received questions about how to hide a phone number for employees while still being able to use it for business processes. And now we are happy to present a solution that solves this issue.
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