What is smart contract?
Use all the possibilities of modern blockchain technologies for the prosperity of your own business! A smart contract is an electronic analogue of a conventional agreement that does not require the participation of intermediaries, is executed independently regardless of the wishes of the parties to the contract and guarantees compliance with all the specified agreements. A smart contract cannot be changed or fabricated, it is permanently stored in the blockchain and can be repeated an unlimited number of times. A smart contract reduces risk, and its maintenance is much cheaper than a regular contract.
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Smart contract features
Why should you use smart contract?
Agreements are a weak point of any business, because here it depends not only on you, but also on outsiders. If you're running an online business, you've never before been sure that your partners won't let you down at a crucial moment. But it used to be like that, because smart contracts solve almost all the problems that exist in ordinary contracts, guarantee security and 100% fulfillment of all clauses. Planning and calculations with smart contracts go to a whole new level, where you can predict absolutely everything and always. A smart contract is the key to the success of its users.

5 steps to your own smart contract
- You know nothing about smart contracts, but you want to use them in your own business? Great, tell manager Aviva about it and get advice on what to do next.
- Do you know exactly what to do? Ok, let's take a look at your homework assignment, and if it doesn't exist, we'll help you create one.
- Now we will estimate how much time and resources are needed to implement the idea into life. The assessment will not take much time, but will allow you to find possible errors and offer better solutions. If the result of the assessment suits you, we conclude agreements and start working.
- An audit is a mandatory stage in the development of a smart contract. In our case, auditing coincides with testing and debugging. But if you turned to us to launch a ready-made smart contract code, you cannot do without an audit. After all, it is not possible to change the smart contract after it has been launched in the blockchain.
- Well, everything seems to be working fine. Now is the time to think about what other smart contracts are necessary for your business and create them!
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