AI integration

Avivi has extensive experience in developing integrations with artificial intelligence services and implementing its tools into business software. We worked on involving AI in automating communication with users in chatbots, developed solutions for cryptocurrency value forecasts based on historical data, trained AI to process PDF files and answer human questions, and implemented machine capabilities in CRM and ERP functionality . We will be glad to help you.

We offer

Custom API development for the use of AI tools, their plugins and individual services that provide certain services.
Detailed analysis of your business for the implementation of AI tools and development of clear terms of reference for developers.
We conduct machine learning, optimize the operation of AI solutions, develop business processes and provide technical support for your company.
According to TechJury statistics, as of the end of 2024, 35% of companies in the world are already using AI tools, and another 42% are considering the possibility of implementing them in their business. Don't be left behind — enlist the help of Artificial Intelligence and let smart machines do the hard work for you and your employees with Avivi!


Avivi is a Gold certified partner of Bitrix24. This is a universal set of business tools for the most efficient work of your company online. Five sections of the Corporate Portal will meet all the needs of the team: Collaboration, CDM, Tasks and projects, Sites and stores, SHR and automation. 10 million companies around the world choose Bitrix24

We offer

Implementation of cloud and on-premise Bitrix24, customization of the system purely for the needs of your business
Individual development of applications and modules, as well as training to work with the system for your team
Selection, sale and renewal of licenses for all Bitrix24 tariff plans on the most favorable terms
Choose the modern automated Bitrix24 system and our professional team will show you all its possibilities!

Telegram bots

Avivi is a leader in the development of custom solutions for Telegram bots and automated systems to improve customer service. We create effective chatbots that are integrated with your platform and take on the responsibilities of communicating with customers, selling, providing advice or transferring website functionality directly to your customers' smartphones through the official Telegram application.

We offer

Creation of prototypes with further development of Telegram bots with a custom backend created in the Python programming language
Full integration of the Telegram bot with the functionality of your IT ecosystem: website, CRM, payment system, etc.
Technical support of created solutions, scaling, updating and refinement for the prosperity of your business
The Telegram bot works for you 365/24/7, does not require a salary, but replaces an entire department of employees at once.


The Avivi company has been working on the development of decentralized systems for many years and implements various projects related to the blockchain. We have focused our attention and efforts on the direction of smart contracts and achieved considerable success. Almost every day, new promising projects arise and the possibilities of existing ones are expanded. That's why smart contracts are always relevant and help build your business assets in the digital world.

We offer

All types of work with smart contracts on Solidity: development, debugging, optimization and audit.
Creation and management of all types of tokens based on the EPC20 standard and other modifications.
We help in the development of projects using blockchain technology, advise and provide developers.
Minimize risks, automate the process and save using smart contracts!

Avivi`s expertise

Avivi has chosen for itself the main and perspective technologies to which it pays the most attention. However, over 15 years of working in the global business tools market, we have excellent expertise in implementing other solutions, data migration between systems, custom development and platform integration. Therefore, if your interests are within the framework of the following technologies, we will be happy to discuss with you the possibility of further cooperation:
Make your choice and sign up for a free consultation with Avivi managers

How do we work?

  1. First stage
    Submit Your application on our website and get responce from Avivi`s manager
  2. Second stage
    Discuss technikal taskб timing and chose a sutable form of payment
  3. Third stage
    Sign an agreement with Avivi and NDA if necessary, when you are ready to start cooperation
  4. Fourth stage
    The most active stage of the project is when specific tasks are performed. You get clear reports on the work done.
  5. Final stage
    Upon completion of testing, you receive a finished product from Avivi of the highest quality
We are sure you will be satisfied with the cooperation. After the successful completion of our joint project, we will ask you to leave a positive response to the   and give us 5 stars for each item.
Apply for a consultation

We will reach out to within 10 minutes