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Project Team

To effectively monitor the projects progress, the company needed special functionality in Bitrix24, which could display the overall progress based on the internal assessment system of each task importance. The task could not be achieved to precisely match the terms of reference by the standard functionality of the system.
To fully implement the task to exactly match the logic of the processes and requirements, it was necessary to create an interface application for Cloud Bitrix24. Additional features have added two custom fields to the tasks for the staff to fill in the necessary criteria. Based on this information, a visualization of the project's progress was displayed in a dedicated Project Progress application installed on the client's server. To create the interface, Avivi specialists used Bootstrap 4.

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The result
The application displays information about the company's projects progress in exact compliance with the established requirements and allows you to:

Assign one of the three possible levels of importance to each task, and also indicate the value of this task for the entire project in percentage terms in order to systematize data on the project readiness status;

Displays the status of each individual project in the course of completing tasks in it in the form of a progress bar — a scale of filling in completeness depending on the number, level and value of closed tasks;

Shows all projects in a single slider window, and also allows you to view the list of tasks and edit them in a separate browser tab.
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