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The Avivi team has a lot of managing experience and a high technical level in completing Portals for different types of client business tasks. In the case of Legato, we were able not only to complete all our main objectives, but do so in a much more effective and speedier way than anticipated:
Set up data fields for client information and invoicing, and dashboards based on the specifics of the client;
Set up email (the ability to connect emails from various domains; mail notification and reminder automation);
Changing the names of standard Bitrix24 elements to those that were more suitable for the client. Example: Deals was replaced with Inquiries.
Set up access rights of various levels for regular users and travel agents;
Move the client database from the CRM used previously to Bitrix24;
Set up system automation to save money and time.
For a while, Legato used its own CRM, which was created with specific goals in mind. As time passed and the company grew, its CRM became outdated and limited. Additionally, it turned out that making changes to the existing CRM would be more expensive than to switch to the new and modern Bitrix24. Avivi managers analyzed all of Legato’s business processes, taking into consideration the client’s wishes, as well as foreseeing further development prospects. It was determined that the best approach would be to switch to the on-premise Bitrix24, with the subsequent implementation of non-standard functionality.

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The result
In the end, the client received a number of custom improvements of the on-premise edition. The custom solutions listed below are just a small part of the new system for the company and other participants. The most interesting of such solutions are:

New names for key entities Deals, Products, and Contacts were renamed Inquiries, Suppliers, and Clients, respectively. The Portal’s standard functionality doesn’t allow you to change the main entities, which was important for the client. As a result, our developers completed an interesting technical task, because it required an in-depth customization of the Bitrix24 kernel.

Development of the logic of a special booking module. Each agent—such as a travel company—that is registered on the Portal, has their own site. There appeared a special Booking tab under Inquiries, the information from which goes directly into the invoice for payment an doesn’t require a manager’s attention. The invoice’s design and functionality were developed by us specifically for Legato.

Customization of the “Travel Companions” card, which is specifically created for each client. Because it’s important for travel agents to be able to combine several cards for individual clients (when people travel together, for example), there should be a single block of people in a CRM, not individual records, for all of the transactions to be successful. At the same time, personal relationships between clients were established, and each subheading (companion) in the client’s personal card remained a custom field.

Owner/COO in Legato
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