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The creation of B2C service for interaction between the client and the company "Velox":
The service should be simple for the user;
The possibility of buying goods in online stores of the USA independently or the commission of this process to the company "Velox" should be taken into account in the personal cabinet;
Tracking options, linking orders for co-mailing, cost calculation should be considered.
To fulfill the tasks of the customer, three separate directions were created, which together provide the fulfillment of all the processes:
Veloxbox – the service of "B2C" type, which provides interaction with the client;
Veloxhub – a service for the internal work of the company from receiving a parcel to the USA before arriving at the final destination;
Velox API – software for correct data exchange between services and third-party platforms.

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The result
To suppress peak loads, the system RabbitMQ was applied to the system. This allows to stabilize significantly the operation of services with numerous requests of users and the active movement of data about the packages.

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