Solidity is the main language for creating smart contracts from Avivi

The concept of development is closely related to the programming language in which it takes place. Different languages ​​are suitable for different tasks, and smart contracts are no exception. Currently, the relevant language for creating smart contracts is and remains Solidity. We use it extensively in Aviva and talk about its features in this article.

Expanding the capabilities of smart contract automation by Avivi

Self-execution is one of the main advantages of smart contracts. But people often have a misconception: self-executing does not mean automated. That is why most of the usual automated processes in other services or systems cannot be achieved in the usual form of smart contracts on Solidity. In this article, we understand the issues of automation and give examples of solutions to some issues.

Hybrid smart contract and the role of the Oracles

In the world of smart contracts and blockchain, the name "Oracle" is often encountered. Of course, we are not talking about some soothsayer, although in the article we mention some real providence. We mainly analyze the issue of hybrid smart contracts, that is, those that use both on-chain and off-chain calculations. And, as always, we make it easy and interesting.

Why is the success of the NFT collection impossible without a smart contract?

The popularity of NFTs is attracting the attention of more and more people. Of course, everyone wants to make money by selling collections, even when they don't understand how everything works there. In this article, we highlight the importance of a smart contract in promoting a truly successful NFT project.

What should smart contract users know about ERC20 tokens?

Standardization of any processes is first of all necessary for the convenience of their configuration and correct operation. This also applies to the blockchain world, and especially to the important process of creating tokens and working with them. In this article, we will talk about tokens in general and the ERC20 standard in particular.

An audit is the last thing you need before the smart contract starts working

One of the important directions of our company's work has always been the audit of various IT projects. In most cases, it helped our clients to find weak points, reduce costs or optimize their business. But the audit of smart contracts is qualitatively different from everything else, and in this article we tell you why. And why is it so important?

Will you need legal services if you have a smart contract?

The introduction of new technologies relieves entrepreneurs of the need for the services of various specialists. For example, the assembly line was the reason for the reduction of workers at factories. And can the same thing happen again with lawyers when it comes to the use of smart contracts? Let's figure it out in this article.

What do you need to know about blockchain in order to fully trust smart contracts?

Smart contracts work on blockchain technology, and therefore have all the advantages of this scientific and technical achievement. In this article, we tell you why electronic transactions have almost absolute security and safety, guaranteeing your business stability and prosperity.

What are smart contracts and who needs them?

Perhaps you have already heard about smart contracts and know about all the advantages of this promising phenomenon for your business. Even if you haven't heard of it, you've definitely already used certain types of smart contracts, which you don't even suspect, and were definitely satisfied with the result. Already interested? You will learn about all this in detail from this article.

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