How to raise a control to maximum power with the help of CRM
6 February 2019
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Effective management of employees is impossible without a certain degree of control. Otherwise, you will have no idea about the state of affairs in the company, which will inevitably lead to its collapse. Let's consider the directions in which the modern Bitrix24 system is capable of doing the lion's share of all control for you.
Time is money
The first and important indicator of your employees’ work is working time. Your “supervision” may erroneously reach such proportions that employees begin to feel like small, depressed bugs: you go after them and see who and when arrive or leave, go to dinner, or go out on personal business. Such control may be too intrusive and, as practice shows, ineffective. Instead, you can use the “Working Day” tool in Bitrix24. He will help you to control, without your direct participation, when a worker’s workday began and ended, how often he was late, when he left for a break and how long it lasted, as well as how many hours a person worked during a day/week/month. There is, however, one small problem: your subordinate can “forget” to start or end his work day accounting, and then all the “measurements” lose their meaning. The company Bitrix24 is aware of the human factor, therefore, they propose in the near future to automate time recording by fixing an employee's face in the employee’s system.
Custom solutions for time tracking
Standard solutions from Bitrix24 are very reliable, but not suitable for all customers. Avivi company has also developed several proprietary solutions for solving the problem of time tracking and control, which are gaining popularity around the world.
The most famous (more than 15 thousand downloads in the world) is the application for the cloud and the on-premise “Time and Project Report”. It allows you to keep track of spent time, shows separately the time spent on a particular task, and also keeps track of the time of collaboration of several employees! Thus, you not only see the time spent, but also understand the effectiveness of the interaction of employees with each other. A limited-scale application is available in Bitrix24. The Marketplace is free of charge, and there is also a powerful PRO-version with a user-friendly interface and a system for uploading reports to spreadsheets.
For companies, especially the ones from the Western market, which use the popular TimeDoctor time tracking system, Avivi company developed the first successful integration. It allows you to minimize the manipulation of the employee at the beginning and end of the accounting of elapsed time. Links to tasks from Bitrix24 are added in the interface of TimeDoctor itself for convenience, and a choice of time zone is available for more accurate time tracking.
But the real “pain-killer” for the manager or the HR manager is our EasyLeave vacation management function module. With its help, the employees can submit to the management of applications for vacation, as well as argue the time of absence from the workplace. The module will not let you to forget about the spent and remaining days of a well-earned vacation, will show the visualization of the vacation schedule and provide complete control to guide employees' desires to work and rest.
Discrete orders
What does an employee need for the effective activity? That's right - the right tasks! And there is nothing better than to go every couple of minutes and talk about new tasks or, even better, write to all sorts of instant messengers, and then resent, why the failure of tasks reaches universal proportions - is it true? Bitrix24 offers to control everything in a single system. During the formulation of the problem you can:
Specify the name of the task and list all the necessary information;
Set the deadlines;
Assign a responsible person, as well as co-contractors and observers (in extended versions of Bitrix24, this may even be extranet users);
Create a checklist, and if necessary, even create affiliated subtasks on the same principle;
Write an unlimited number of comments, “tag” employees, while referring to them, and much more.
To start working with this task, the employee will only need to start the counter according to his time. That’s all, the employee will not be able to say that he forgot about what you said about a specific task or did not see it in the next messenger - all tasks will be highlighted to him when the work day starts. Reminders will not leave the employees outside the office either: the Bitrix24 mobile app displays work with tasks no worse than on a work computer.
Let’s look at the CRM cases, what else can be taken under control there? The first is to set up access rights to contacts, companies, leads or deals. So you will understand what the area of responsibility of each of the employees. Moreover, as a manager, you will see the counters who will show the number of successful and overdue cases in the CRM sections of each employee. Some have a special gift - forgetfulness - which reduces the personal burden. Planned cases will come to the rescue against such cases. The employee’s counter will “hang” as long as there are items without cases. Also, robots play against comprehensive distraction – beforehand prescribed rules for processing leads and deals that trigger when an item moves from one status to another.
If this is not enough for you, and, as a manager, you want to know about all and everything — please, you can also receive reports. After a day of work or a longer period, each of the employees will send you reports on the work done during the day. You will understand exactly what the workers were doing without making additional efforts to control. You only need to put the desired assessment and confirm the report.
For the development of your company, you always need to know to a subtlety the work of sales managers, as well as to predict the future and to know your problems. The analytical reports can be useful for you. Since the autumn of 2018, the “End-to-End Analytics” has been introduced in the Bitrix24 portals of the “Sydney” update, which allows you to quench your thirst for reporting:
First, you will be able to see real indicators for several months on working with transactions;
Secondly, you can evaluate the performance of the sales funnel;
Thirdly — for you, for sure, one of the main things is income. This report will show you the control over payments: how much you have already earned, the total amount of all transactions and the amount for which you still need to fight. And finally, you can control the load on managers, if they have not forgotten any deal. You can change the report for yourself and receive all the information you need in a timely manner.
Instead of conclusions
After the foresaid, there are only two options for strengthening control over their employees. A more radical envisages the cordoning of the office with barbed wire, the transformation of top managers into wardens and the purchase of chain guard dogs. It’s a joke, of course. Modern control does not need Gestapo methods, but should create the most convenient and functional conditions for the timely and smooth execution of tasks by responsible people. This is exactly what Bitrix24 needs. In carrying out such control, your employees will take responsibility for the tasks assigned, and you will have a complete picture of the state of affairs in the company.
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