The appearance of the Bitrix24 CRM Agreement card depending on its direction

8 August 2024

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Petro Savin

Backend Developer

Petro Savin
The appearance of the Bitrix24 CRM Agreement card depending on its direction

About the author: Petro, an experienced Avivi backend developer with many years of experience participated in complex Bitrix24 customization projects. And while he's capable of developing any improvements to CRM cards, today he's talking purely about the base version of the Deal card and calling attention to their excellence.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a key element of modern business. There are many different tools, among which the important place is occupied by cards — that is, the front-end display of CRM entities, which contains all the necessary functions for managing them. One of Bitrix24's main CRM tools is Deal Cards, which allows companies to effectively manage their sales and interactions with customers. An important aspect of working with Agreement cards is their appearance, which depends on the stage of the agreement and the direction of development of relations with the client. Let's look at how the appearance of the Bitrix24 CRM Agreement card changes depending on its direction.

Stages and directions of the agreement

CRM systems usually provide several stages of the deal, each of which corresponds to a certain stage of sales. For example, typical stages may include:

  1. [Allgemein] Auftrag Ansicht (General):
  2. [Immo Verkauf] Real estate sale:
  3. [MnA Einkauf] Purchase:
  4. Negotiations:
  5. Closing the deal:
Each of these areas can have different statuses reflecting the progress of the deal at a specific stage. The direction of the deal can change depending on the interaction with the client: for example, the deal can move forward to the next stage or go back due to the emergence of new circumstances, and each direction will display this or that information in the deal.


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Appearance of the deal card at different stages

At each stage of the deal, the CRM system displays certain fields that are important for the current stage. Example:

  • [Allgemein] Auftrag Ansicht (General):

Name and contact details of the potential customer
The source of the ice
Date of creation of the lead
  • [Immo Verkauf] Real estate sale:

Additional contact persons

Information about the client's needs

Assessment of the possibility of concluding an agreement

  • [MnA Einkauf] Purchase:
A detailed description of the product or service

Commercial offer

Offer validity period

  • Negotiations:

Offered conditions

Comments and remarks of the client

Status of negotiations

  • Closing the deal:

Signed documents

Final terms of the agreement

Deal closing dat

The influence of statuses on the appearance of the deal card

Each stage of the transaction can have different statuses that affect the appearance of the card. For example, at the "Negotiation" stage, the statuses may include "Waiting for the client's response", "Change of terms", "Waiting for signature". Accordingly, the transaction card may display additional fields or change the priority of information display. The biggest advantage of Bitrix24 is the freedom of choice and action, where the user can freely add and remove fields, statuses and much more. And if you use the server version of Bitrix24, the appearance of the card and additional control elements can be created by Avivi specialists in strict accordance with the wishes of the client.


The appearance of the Bitrix24 CRM Agreement card depends significantly on the direction of the agreement. Each direction has its own specific fields that are displayed on the card, and the different statuses at these stages add flexibility and opportunities to accurately reflect the current state of the deal. This allows sales managers to effectively manage deals and provide a high level of customer service. So, choose Bitrix24 for your business development and turn to Avivi for the implementation and customization of your business software!

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