Unlimited client portal Bitrix24 on-premise by Avivi
15 March 2021
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Bitrix24 provides the company's employees with a convenient corporate portal that allows you to transfer all the company's business processes online, provide access to production information and support remote work from any corner of the world. However, this concept assumes that all Bitrix24 Portal users are employees of the same company. In this case, each of them has its own place in the company structure: department, manager and, if necessary, subordinates. The free Bitrix24 plan has no limits on members: you can invite an unlimited number of users to the Portal and grant them the appropriate access rights to work information. Another thing is that the functionality of the free plan is quite limited. Each Bitrix24 commercial tariff is designed for a specific number of users: from 5 people in the "Basic" cloud tariff to 5,000 people for the on-premise Enterprise plan. However, for many companies, the issue of the number of users is extremely important, since not all interested parties are employees of the company - they can be contractors who need access to information in the CRM only to fulfill specific orders. And sometimes contractors are categorically prohibited from having access to production information, as they may be direct competitors who cooperate only once and under strict conditions. Avivi specialists understand the needs of modern business, and even better know the capabilities of Bitrix24. That is why our team has developed a unique solution that allows you to attract an almost unlimited number of users to the company and set your own rules for each of them.
Technical features of Bitrix24
Bitrix24 offers intranet services to its users. In a narrow sense, it is a web portal created for the needs of a specific company, where employees can work and communicate. In a broader sense, the intranet includes not only software, but also all peripheral devices, such as an office phone or a network printer. This is how the intranet was seen in the period before 2000, but in today's world, most people use this term only for the IT platform.
In any case, in addition to intranets, Bitrix24 has a wide functionality for extranet users, that is, real people who are not employees of the company, but can be users of the corporate portal. For example, these can be your customers, whom you involve in the work on the project as observers or controllers. In Avivi, it is a completely normal phenomenon when the customer or his representatives have access to our software and see the changes in the development stages of the project.
Extranet users can access many sections of Bitrix24:
to Projects and Tasks;
to TsRM with special rights granted by the administrator;
to files on Bitrix24.Disk;
to online conferences and much more.
In each case, third-party users can enter your company's Portal only by special invitation from a valid employee. They have different rights in different sections of Bitrix24, but the most opportunities for extranet users are provided in Extranet groups. This is a special type of Working Group (or Project), when creating it, it must be specified that external users can be here. In this case, you and your employees can invite anyone who has access to the Internet, e-mail, or mobile phone to the Extranet group - these are all conditions for someone else to gain access to your portal. The administrator of the Working Group notes the level of access of participants to information and actions.
The most important thing to note and remember is that extranet users are not considered employees and therefore do not affect the number of users of the Bitrix24 cloud or on-premise platform. You don't need to pay extra for them.
Customization of the client portal from Avivi
The clearest example of the advantage of involving extranet users is the implemented project for the North American company "Five Star Claims Adjusting". Our clients need to attract a large number of contractors to Bitrix24 — contractors who perform one or more orders and need access to the CRM. Five Star Claims Adjusting is a major player in the US insurance market, so its contractors can compete with each other in the market. In order to ensure equal access of all interested parties to their data and to prevent leaks of production information, Avivi's customers needed customization of the standard functionality of the Bitrix24 extranet group. It is worth noting that full execution of such an order is possible only on Bitrix24 on-premise, since only the server version allows you to change the portal interface in accordance with the company's branding, as well as create special tools to hide the required fields in the CRM.
You can learn more about the project by referring to the Avivi case "Customization of the client's portal in Bitrix24"
The results of our cooperation were:
Each contractor was given the opportunity to log in to the Bitrix24 Portal with his own login and password, where he has his own office with a list of the necessary information;
The interface of the Portal for contractors has been changed in accordance with the branding of the company's main website;
Contractors are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with other users of Bitrix24 — employees and other contractors;
Contractors have access to Leads in the CRM, but are not able to edit or export personal data of Five Star Claims Adjusting clients;
Portal administrators see the account accesses of all contractors and can manage their access rights to production information;
The number of contractors in the Bitrix24 portal is unlimited.
In conclusion, we will say that the creation of this solution required the customization of the on-premise Bitrix24 component, namely the functionality of the Extranet group. This does not affect system performance in any way and does not violate software policy. At the same time, Avivi's help satisfied Five Star Claims Adjusting's need for an unlimited number of non-employee visitors to the Portal. This task requires a high level of developer training, and Avivi is well able to provide such specialists. So we will be happy to discuss and implement customizations. extranet groups exactly as your business needs it.
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