Update of the Project Progress app and a new custom task control application in Bitrix24
17 August 2022
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Bitrix24 is appreciated for its incredible flexibility and the ability to add the necessary functionality. Of course, the on-premise edition is suited for additional development the best. But even the Bitrix24 cloud service, through the efforts of professional developers, as in our company, can get new powerful tools in accordance with the needs of the customer. This was fully understood and appreciated at Ser Energia: in 2020, our team created a custom application for working with a large number of projects in the client Portal, strictly according to the customer's specifications. But over time, our clients realized how convenient it is to use individual solutions, so they changed their requirements and ordered from us an update of the finished application and another fundamentally new one.
Project Progress update
You can familiarize yourself with the first version of the application in the article "A Fresh Look at Monitoring Project Progress in Bitrix24" on the Aviva blog. The application is located on the customer's server and interacts with Bitrix24 via the REST API. Its main goal was to provide employees with an idea of the general state of readiness of projects, of which there are always more than 200 active projects at the same time in the company. It was this fact that became one of the decisive factors for the update: the extremely large amount of information that the application had to process every time it was launched significantly slowed down its work.
That is why the first improvement was a change in the approach to using the application. Now "Project Progress" caches data for the current month and does not access the database unnecessarily. An "Update" button was added to the interface, which allows updating information manually when employees need it.
The general appearance of the user interface has also been changed. The client is actively working on tasks in six areas, so now they are all color-coded and displayed separately. This method of work is more convenient and efficient for users. At the same time, you can see how many tasks have been completed in the last 30 days, how many are planned and how many tasks have crossed the deadline. Statistics for each deadline are displayed on separate pages: you can always view the name of the project and the tasks related to it.
Sorting tasks by name is also an interesting feature. The usual one for Bitrix24, i.e. by the title, is not suitable here, since the customer's business processes require the use of special numbers in the names of tasks. Therefore, our developers have implemented a sorting algorithm by parts of the title, which allows you to correctly build the list.
Financial supplement to "Progress in TCV projects"
A tool for financial monitoring of project readiness has become a new additional functionality. Now Bitrix24 transfers information about payments from the clientr's customers to the application, which allows you to see the general state of the company's budget. There is also an "Update" button for updating cached information. In the same way, employees can see the progress bars of the readiness of various projects. But at the same time, the interface includes a chart showing percentage ratios of budget filling from projects of various directions. Similar to the previous tool, projects are marked with different colors for convenience.
An original method of task monitoring
Also, within the framework of continued cooperation, the Avivi team implemented another add-on for cloud Bitrix24. This time, we implemented the visual and software parts of the idea of the customers themselves, who, like no one else, know the specifics of their business.
So the bottom line is simple: almost every task in the company has certain mandatory stages that require reporting. Visual progress in such tasks reflects the completion of the scale. The client suggested marking each completed stage in a special way:
if the stage is completed and the report is submitted - a green mark;
black mark - the stage is completed, but there is no report yet;
if no work has been done yet, we have a white mark;
and the progress bar continues without a mark if the specified stage simply does not exist in the task.
This tool, of course, is not suitable for everyone and is unique only to our customers. But, agree, the solution is extremely convenient. And its implementation by the Avivi team proves that nothing is impossible for real professionals at Bitrix24.
So, after two years of using the custom application, the customers understood the areas that should be improved and turned to us with a new task. It was great for us to work on the development of the Project Progress application, as we consider this tool useful and promising in the world of Bitrix24. We also appreciate the trusted opportunity to realize the wishes of our customers in custom designs that benefit their owners. So, if you need custom applications for Bitrix24, contact Avivi, we know how to make them and love to do it.
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