7 Reasons not to implement Bitrix24!
8 November 2018
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The implementation of Bitrix24 is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process that requires not only the careful and responsible work of integrators during it, but also the full preparation of customers before it begins. This software product provides much more opportunities than other usual CRM and you need to be ready for it initially. I will mention seven reasons why you, as an administrator, should not start the implement of Bitrix24, even if you really want to do this.
Bitrix24 is not a panacea for any problem.
Many administrators believe that if there are problems in a company, then CRM will definitely solve them. This is initially wrong: CRM improves work efficiency, helps the sales department, speeds up business processes ... But it does not solve the problems associated with customer relations, lined up sales or qualified personnel. Bitrix24 will allow you to automate and improve existing processes, provide time tracking, reporting and interaction between employees, but the program will not work instead of employees. In such cases, after integration, the client can say that “This “Bitrix” does not work ...”, although the reason is not at all in the software product or our work.
That is why it is not necessary to integrate Bitrix24, when your business needs reanimation, not improvement.
“All-purpose” does not mean “ready to use”.
The systematic nature of the integration process determines its effectiveness in further use. Very often, managers believe that simply “screw on” Bitrix24 to their business is quite enough. This is a very half-hearted action, which in the future will simply lead to the cessation of all processes in the company. Bitrix24 has many universal solutions, but every single business is unique. Before work begins, you need to have a clear plan on how to set up CRM to work effectively. After the integration, both management and employees must test and improve the system together, respond adequately to the sequence of processes in it and to correct the inaccuracies in time. For example, if you need to reduce the time for coordination of documents along the chain of employees, you need to devote more time to the Document Designer, business process designer, and set up all participants in this chain to respond to notifications in a timely manner. Otherwise, if the documents weren’t agreed previously, they wouldn’t be agreed in the presence of Bitrix24.
That is why it is not necessary to integrate Bitrix24, if you are only hoping to buy a license, order work and do nothing else to promote your business.
Bitrix24 is not a punishment.
The effectiveness of CRM depends on the involvement of employees in the process of its use. People need to know and understand how CRM tools work and how they help in business. In Bitrix24, there are many possibilities for both CRM itself and beyond it. Take the social component of the platform alone! And the more and the tighter you, your employees and integrators will communicate during the implementation, the more extensively the wishes of the employees themselves will be taken into account in setting up the processes - the more efficient the work will be. If you don’t do this ... Well, I know the cases of sabotaging the workflow after the introduction of CRM.
That is why it is not necessary to integrate Bitrix24, if in this way you want to rein in employees, and not promote the common cause.
If Bitrix24 is really cool.
As it is mentioned above, Bitrix24 is much more than just CRM. It is a self-sufficient product that combines many tools for interacting with customers, and for promoting online business, project management, company management, communication between employees and much more. Using Bitrix24 is much cheaper than other programs with a much smaller list of functionality.
There are cases when customers integrate Bitrix24 for a company with partners or because it's cool. But the introduction of CRM should be considered, not trendy. For some small businesses, such a process may be completely pointless. And, as a result, you have the offenses for wasted time and money.
That is why it is not necessary to integrate Bitrix24, if you need only CRM, and other functions will be dead weight.
You’re Flash from “Justice League”
If we talk seriously, you can’t expect an instant effect immediately after the integration of Bitrix24. Improvements are noticeable gradually with the influx of new customers, reduction of losses already existing, reduction of time to complete tasks and, of course, an increase in revenues. But very often, managers are indignant literally immediately, after paying for the final invoice. This affects employees who do everything according to the instructions, but do not please to management. In fact, the efficiency of CRM also depends on the size of the company, the customer base, personal contribution of the staff and much more. If you demand a lot and at once, keeping your employees in tension and being nervous yourself, nobody will be better off. The only right decision here is a real planning and phased implementation of the planned without a haste and unwarranted expectations.
That is why it is not necessary to integrate Bitrix24 if you are excessively impulsive and impatient.
CRM is an investment, not a purchase.
If you use CRM correctly, then sooner or later it will increase your income, will contribute to the growth of the company, and therefore changes in requests to your system. Bitrix24 has a free version, in which no more than 11 users can work and 10 processes progress. Most of the really useful features are disabled here, but for the start of your own business, this is quite enough. As this business develops, the functionality will be missed. And at one moment there will be a need to switch to the commercial tariff Bitrix24, since in other CRM demo versions are much less capable.
From the very beginning, you need to get used to the idea that CRM is an investment in a business, and not a one-time purchase of a software product. By investing certain means, you get a lot more benefits than saving this money and using a notebook.
That is why it is not necessary to integrate Bitrix24, if you are not ready to further invest in your own advantages.
Conservatism is your credo
The last reason that I would like to call against the integration of Bitrix24 is the inconsistency of this platform with the principles of consistency and measured use. In the world of 1C-Bitrix, everything changes so quickly and dynamically that it is sometimes difficult even to keep track of all the news. The company releases two updates per year, which is not done by any CRM in the world. This is not just refinement, but whole conceptual layers of change, which are designed to help the development of all members of the Bitrix24 community.
That is why it is not necessary to integrate Bitrix24, if you are not ready to be among the first.
In fact, there are more reasons not to integrate Bitrix24. You can learn about many of them from other articles of our blog. And since everything that is not allowed is in great demand, I don’t understand why you aren’t calling or writing to us right now.
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