Not so long ago, Wave and Bitrix24 did not have a ready-made integration, so the platforms could only work together using custom development. Avivi clients who use both platforms have ordered an integration project from our company. A special condition is that it must be an application available in Bitrix24.Market. This means that in the future, anyone will also be able to take advantage of how these products work together.

Interaction with Google Maps significantly improves the work of company employees with customers. And it would be great if your Bitrix24 "understood" whether customer service is possible depending on their geographical location. The standard functionality does not allow you to do this, and the new Google Maps Location module from the developers of Avivi does. This article will tell you all the details.

An individual approach to each client is the key to the prosperity of each business. In this article, Avivi developers share their experience in creating a special application for Bitrix24 that best meets the needs of the customer company in working with their customers. Thanks to the flexibility of the system and the expertise of our developers, any ideas can turn into successful projects.

Bitrix24 can receive data from a barcode or QR code scanner in the mobile application, but full scanning is not available for this system. But nothing is impossible for Avivi developers. Therefore, we present our next module, which allows you to enter data into Bitrix24 CRM directly from scanned documents.

Custom integrations are commonplace for Bitrix24. Open source code and extensive API allow you to configure the system to work with almost any other platform or service. In Bitrix24.Marketplace, you can find many ready-made integrations, especially with popular services. So why do customers order custom solutions? You will find the answers and their benefits in this article.

Working with SMS messages at Bitrix24 is in great demand among Aviva clients. At the same time, each customer uses the short message service for different purposes. The system is not designed for this, so sometimes you should look for a solution in custom development. This article tells about a convenient application for sending SMS.

In 2020, we already talked about our custom application "Project Progress", which was created specifically for a specific client. Now we are presenting an almost complete update of the functionality, which corresponds as much as possible to the current business processes in the customer's company. And as a nice bonus, we'll show you an example of a great custom solution for task control.

Bitrix24 is ideal for project management and monitoring tasks. However, each business is so unique that it is not always possible to implement the required process with regular functionality. But this is not a reason to abandon Bitrix24 — on the contrary, you are able to create your own application and get an additional benefit. This is the focus of our article, and that which may become particularly useful for you.
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