Be sure to read before updating Bitrix24!
29 August 2022
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Every year, usually in the spring and autumn, Bitrix24 releases a new version of the software product with a set of refinements, corrections and innovations. Many decisions are based on receiving feedback from users, advice and recommendations. Some updates take effect right on the day of release, others are "run-in" in test mode and only then fully implemented. For users of cloud services, they draw up an approximate schedule of updates, for owners of self-hosted editions, they form a package offer.
Cloud updates
If you only use cloud Bitrix24, you don't need to worry about updates: they will appear in the Portal automatically when they are ready. In this case, you will notice a progress bar and a product update notification at the top of the window. As a rule, this does not take much time and does not affect the performance of the system.
Of course, there are occasional situations when the Portal becomes unavailable or some functions disappear. In such cases, there is no need to panic and cut off the technical support lines: the advantage of cloud Bitrix24 is that all administration issues are dealt with by a team of developers themselves, who promptly eliminate all possible problems.
Often, engrossed in work, you don't even notice how your Bitrix24 is reincarnated and gets new functionality. But you can find out about all the innovations in messages in the Help and Support Center, which is available in any tariff plan.
Update the on-premise Bitrix24
The server edition of Bitrix24, is not automatically updated. To switch to a new version, the user needs to purchase an update package and install it on his server. Without updates, the on-premise can work indefinitely, but there will be no such innovations as in the cloud service. When moving from the cloud to the on-premise, you get the version of Bitrix24 that is current at the time of data transfer.
According to the leading specialists of our company, updating the on-premise is always associated with certain risks. For average users, it's a lot like roulette: you never know what's going to go wrong. However, experienced developers from Bitrix24 can with a high probability determine the "thin spots" of your system.
You need to be prepared that the unprotected functionality of the core of the program, which you could develop for years, can definitely suffer. For 99.9%, you can be calm about the database — it has nothing to do with the update. The question of the functionality of custom modules remains open: they may stop working if the vendor radically changes the principles of Bitrix24's work, but this is usually not done. For example, the multi-languages solution or the popular SMTP Module from our company are custom modifications, but they are not "afraid" of updates. But if your Bitrix24 was finalized before us, you need to understand this code beforehand.
Also, the factor of failures and errors cannot be ruled out, without which nothing goes on in the IT world. And at the moment when something goes wrong, there should be professionals who can identify and eliminate problems.
But in any case, you need to think several times and consult with an experienced specialist before ordering an update of the on-premise — eliminating the consequences can cost a lot of effort and, of course, your money.
Approach to updates in our company
If you are interested in our opinion about Bitrix24 updates, we say: "You definitely need to update." Especially if your on-premise is more than 7 years old (before 2015). Each subsequent version of the software product not only gives you new tools, but also works more stably and efficiently. The main thing is to do everything right. The experience of one of our leading specialists, will be described in the article "It is not possible to update, so customize!", can be useful in this matter.
To begin with, our specialists examine your Bitrix24 for code interference. Didn't you make any revisions? And if we find it? Our team has seen a lot and will easily find any interference that can be a huge problem when updating.
Next, we make a backup copy of the entire system. We are preparing it for updating on our own development site, while your Portal and employees continue to work as if nothing had happened. Updating the backup may take longer than originally anticipated, but this will not affect the company's operations. And when everything is ready and tested, we put the updated Bitrix24 back in place — and that happens pretty quickly.
The experience of novelty lovers
We wrote this article after another case where an eager customer updated his on-premise Bitrix24 without informing us. More precisely, after our emergency team fixed everything. Bitrix24 is a complex high-tech software product and requires appropriate treatment. We ask you not to try to update the system on your own, hoping for a lucky chance, for your own good. Better rely on Avivi and get the latest patched version of Bitrix24.
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