Bitrix24 and Tilda integration
18 November 2021
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Nowadays, creating a website for selling or gathering some commercial information from the clients became easier —anyone without any specific knowledge is able to do it. It's important, though, to foresee the correct algorithm of the clients' applications processing. Because when a potential client enters some private information on the site, it has to be processed. In any Bitrix24 tariff, the required functionality is provided, however, people persistently continue using other solutions; this means — the integration of various platforms is required.
Tilda, the website constructor
One of the popular services is Tilda, the website visual constructor. Besides the landing editor, there are also the rudiments of the own CRM system. However, if compared to Bitrix24, it is designed for a small business only. One of Avivi's clients turned to us with the task of combining applications from several websites in Bitrix24; two of them were created in Tilda. Each of them, as you understand, has their own connected CRM system, that were required to be integrated with Bitrix24.
Avivi's solution
It is possible to use a standard integration procedure for Tilda and Bitrix24, however, you would end up receiving applications in the web-form. Our client had a slightly different goal: to transfer data and Lead entities. This allows to standardize the work processes of the managers in Bitrix24 whatever the Leads source is, and to process applications from the clients in a more efficient way. To complete such a task from the client using the standard tools was impossible, but Avivi's professional developers found the solution. The Bitrix 24 on premise workflows has been created and integrated.
The customized integration
The integration with Tilda goes through REST API — which stands for Representational State Transfer — the transfer of the representational state. Sometimes, this service is called RESTful API, as it allows to transfer absolutely all of the state pecularities of the object in any given period of time. For an integration with Bitrix24, Tilda service has to send a post-request with the data to an en-route script, that would, in return, send data into Bitrix24 through the REST API. Such approach can be applied to the cloud Bitrix24 exclusively. While for the on-premise edition, the same script has to be created in a "pub" system folder. Tilda will send the data directly there, and the script will save them in Bitrix24 without any forwarding or API-requests.
Obviously, Tilda is one of the good constructors for the website creation. But in many cases, people who use this platform, do not have the need to actively use the CRM system and develop vigorously. If you require an efficient use of the incoming data from the client, the system to manage projects, reports, a virtual storage — the set of the Bitrix24 App from Avivi will be your choice. Contact us for a free consultation with our professionals, and we would be happy to answer all the questions you might have — about Tilda and any other integration service.
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