Smart Process Automation in Bitrix24 — your own possible work with CRM scenarios
15 July 2021
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Every business is unique, and users try to configure the programs according to the needs of their activities as much as possible. It is not always an option, so the integrators adapt or customize Bitrix24 exactly for the customer's needs. However, with the introduction of the smart processes, a new and unlimited horizon of features opens up for the users.
Smart processes allow to create your own work directions, automated funnels and sales tunnels in Bitrix24 both with and without the use of CRM entities. This is a significant breakthrough in the work of the system, which allows you to go far beyond the standard Leads, Deals, Contacts, Companies and other entities.
The meaning of smart processes and why this is revolutionary
So, you are already working with a customized Bitrix24 CRM, where automation is fine-tuned, and you need another direction in your work which will not break the logic of established business processes. Or you are just starting to work, and the standard purchase funnel is not very suitable for you — great, use the smart process and create the funnel or tunnel you require.
"Smart Process Automation" button is available in all CRM entities. By clicking it you will find a list of already created work direction scenarios, or create your own. The tools are only available within the superior cloud tariff (Company). When creating a new process, it is possible to choose an already configured sample, or to independently create a new section by selecting the "From scratch" tab. You configure the required scenario or parameters, and can link this process to other CRM elements, such as Deals or Offers.
The following can be used in the processes:
● Directions and sales tunnels;
● Stages and Kanban;
● Robots and triggers;
● Reference to CRM elements.
New CRM entity and it's features
This way you create a new, separate, single-handed Bitrix24 entity, and configure the sales funnels or tunnels accordingly. There can be various specifications, as well as references or catalogs. This is both a Kanban, where you can create your milestones and stages that your processes move in accordance with, and cards that can be created and used to promote these processes. Also, automatization tools, robots, triggers and all other Bitrix24 features are available for you.
Smart process management button can be configured to appear separately in the left menu. This eliminated the necessity to always enter the shared CRM to work in a new direction. The configuration of the fields in a new entity card is carried out the same way as in the Lead or Deal: you choose the ready-made fields from those available or create the new, customized ones. In general, Bitrix24 made the process of new smart processes creation as simple as possible for the users without prior experience, and included tips and instructions. The main thing to remember about configurating: you have to be careful and follow the sequence of the adding features. For instance, in order to make robots and triggers available in the smart process, it is essential for the previous option "Use own stages and Kanban" to be activated.
The best solution for every business
Of course, the full description of the smart process configuration has its peculiarities. That is why, for the first time, to have a better understanding of all Bitrix24 tools, it is advised to make it with the help of experienced Avivi integrators. However, it is worth it, as now there are tools available for all Bitrix24 users that allow to create fundamentally new features, which previously involved developers.
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