We help you manage the Russian language in Bitrix24

25 November 2021

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Slavko Nahnyida


Slavko Nahnyida
We help you manage the Russian language in Bitrix24
Bitrix24 CRM is used all over the world by more than 9 million companies, has 18 localizations of the cloud service and is constantly updated with new useful tools. However, many users can still be confused by a few points:
  • Why is there so much of various information online in Russian language exclusively?

  • Where do I find the English translation of the product documentation in Russian?

  • Is the omnipresent Russian mafia involved?

Okay, the last question is a joke, obviously, while other language related questions can definitely create difficulties for those who are far from knowing Cyrillic. But if you are reading this — Avivi will explain everything and will assist you. 

From Russia with love 

The founder of the company that owns the rights to the world-famous and beloved Bitrix24, and many set of business tools, is indeed a Russian — Sergey Ryzhikov. If this already triggers some preconceived emotions, just look at this guy and let's move on:

Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google

The head office of the company is located in modern Kaliningrad, formerly the famous German city of Koenensberg. This is where hundreds of developers and other Bitrix24 developing professionals work for you, the updates presentations are held and the majority of requests from customers and Partners are processed. Internationally, the company is represented by Bitrix, Inc, which owns the official website https://www.bitrix24.com. The branches of the company are opened in many countries of the world and the localized websites are available in the respective domain zones. In Russia, Bitrix24 is the most popular set of tools for managing a company and a CRM system, accounting around 45% of all implementations in the country. At the same time, less than 20% of all active Portals are allocated to the Russian Federation, which indicates the unprecedented popularity of the product all over the world. 

About documentation and updates

Now you know why the majority of documentation is easily accessible in Russian — it is spoken by the majority of the Bitrix24 developers and those, involved in testing and developing the product. Of course, everything major is adapted for other languages, for English, first of all, but it takes time. And the pace, the vendor has currently gained for developing and implementing is indeed astonishing.

Speaking of updates. Indeed, the releases of the the new Bitrix24 versions were happening earlier in Russia and in other post-Soviet countries than for the rest of the world. But there is no discrimination or prejudice here: updates came to the users directly from the assembly line and were introduced gradually, which made it possible to get feedback, make changes or fix something or create localizations. But already with the Bitrix24.Berlin update package dated May 2021, the releases are happening for all users simultaneously. 

One language for the product and the client

At the time of the article being written, Avivi company, in the status of the Golden Partner, has already been presented at the markets of 46 countries of the world, where the implementation of Bitrix24 was conducted, or the customized developings of the existing functionality were created. One of the reasons for such a successful result, is, specifically, the recruitment of the cross functional team of managers. Many of them are native Russian speakers, which allows you to use the already existing documentation without having to wait for its official translation by the vendor. 

Also, our company as Bitrix24 gold partner in USA and Canada has a close contact with the developers of the product and the internal customer support service. This allows to more efficiently solve issues that our customers might have, related to the technical support and all available functionalities on the side of Bitrix24. Thanks to this, we have repeatedly been able to effectively resolve complex individual issues, which could have taken customers much more time spent on communication. 

Thus, we do really speak the same language, both with the Bitrix24 developer and with you, dear Customers. If you are facing any difficulties due to Cyrillic — feel free to address Avivi. There is no need to learn Russian, or even worse — programming, to fully adapt Bitrix24 in accordance with the needs of your business: just address us and receive more value from the modern and effective solutions. 

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