Easy Leave Module
Version : on-premise
App Description
The developers of the Avivi company have created a universal module "Easy Leave" for managing holidays and weekends through the Bitrix24 platform. Solution for on-premise Bitrix24 allows you to automatically calculate vacation days. And control the simultaneous absence of employees.
1. Working hours
By default, in Bitrix24, an overview of the working days of all users is available. The administrator approves or edits the specified schedule, and the agreed days of absence are shown in the Calendar.
2. Requests and Approvals
Employees can submit leave requests from Live Feed using the Leave Request business process. The workflow will be completed successfully only when all conditions are met. Leave must be approved by a manager or supervisor. Thanks to the module, the employee will be able to immediately see the number of days available for leave, attach a file indicating the reason for the leave, without distracting HR.
The page also shows the status of availability or absence of free days:
"You have used all your free days" or "You have used more than 3 days of the available amount."
The standard functionality in Bitrix24 for business trips works similarly. The employee sends a request to the manager, after approval, the program automatically creates a task to prepare the necessary documents: financial and personnel documentation, hotel reservations and airline tickets. Upon return, the applicant will have to complete the process by submitting a detailed report, list of expenses and receipts.
The administrator can set a certain number of vacations per month for employees. For example, a user receives 2 paid holidays and 1 sick leave per month. Or one and a half days of vacation per month depending on company policy.
3. Chart of absence
By default, the Bitrix24 system contains a calendar with any type of vacation. All information about dismissals and vacations of employees is stored in the absence chart. With the help of the module, you can monitor the absence history of each employee. Records of users who booked a vacation are automatically displayed. Employees absent from the office for routine business (such as lunch with a client) can be added to the absence chart from the personal calendar. This process does not require approval. In order to confirm a request for sick leave, you need to attach relevant documents about your health.
Filters in the management system allow you to view the absence chart for the entire company, department or team.
To improve planning, we have added a year view function. This page contains a list of available vacation days, which is automatically updated every month. With the help of the module, you can observe how many employees take vacation on the same dates and which days remain free.
Available days for paid leave are calculated automatically.
4. Vacation / Time
With the help of Bitrix24, you can configure detailed request forms with special scenarios. Vacation and business trips are two forms of requests that are provided with the Bitrix24 package. If an employee is planning a vacation, maternity leave, business trip, sick leave, or leave without pay, a request must be made through the Bitrix24 Live Feed.
If the vacation template is run for the first time, the administrator configures the workflow settings through the Settings features. After that, employees can start using the request form template.
To send a vacation request, an employee must specify the dates of absence and add a reason. The request is automatically sent to the supervisor of the user requesting the leave, and after final approval will be sent to the department's HR for processing. It is necessary to indicate who is responsible for the final approval of leave requests (more than one person can be chosen to facilitate the process).
When the leave is approved or rejected, a message arrives. The status of the request will be updated in the Live Feed. All left requests can be found in the "Workflows → My requests" section.
Once all employees involved in the process have approved the request, it is sent to the responsible end user for final approval. After the process is complete, the system will show the status of the process.
5. Designer of business processes
Business Process Designer in Bitrix24 is a simple visual and intuitive interface that does not require technical development knowledge. All employees can get used to using it after some time.
Configuring the workflow structure in Bitrix24 is suitable for any request options. It can be used by educational institutions, non-profit organizations, religious and municipal organizations, state and federal agencies.
To get a convenient module for monitoring working and vacation time, you need to write to us. After that, pay for the Easy Leave internal module and enter your IP address. We will send the archive for installation on the same day or install it ourselves.
Your company's employees will be able to enjoy their vacation without unnecessary applications, long processes of receiving an answer and spending working time.
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Avivi is a leader in the development of custom applications for cloud and on-premis versions of the Bitrix24. If You have an idea of an important and necessary solution for Bitrix24, we are ready to implement it!
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